Saturday, July 14, 2007

Lara on Spelling Bees

"The only thing that motivates me, besides the glory of a ribbon and a pat on the back, is the fact that last year's national champion got to be one of the audience spellers in the 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee."

Lara on New CDs

(about the Les Miserables Original French Concept CD)

"I love my new CD.

It now seems to be Fantine's Arrest. I DON'T CARE THAT I CAN'T UNDERSTAND THEM! SHUTTUP! I can tell little snippits...and the tunes! So...I'll eventually be able to sing the whole CD in French...even though I can't understand what I'm saying. WHOA! That part was really cool. And I understood what Javert just said. W00t."

Lara on Criticism

(talking about Les Miserables)

"...instead of dying at "pup...grows-*boom!*", it was something like...err...."trust Gavroche, count to ten. *boom!*"

Lara on Protests

"I say we build a barricade."

Lara on Joints and Lung Functions

(eating at a restaurant) Dad: "Why are the elbows always in my face?"

Lara: "'Cuz I have the hiccups!"

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Lara on Footsie

John: "Who's playing footsie with me?"

"Emma... no, wait... that's me."

Lara on Body Heat

Emma X: (waking up to realize she is falling off the bed) "Lara... why are you in my bed?!?"

"I got cold."

Emma X: "... get out."

Lara on Sleeptalking

Emma X: "I mean, you have to be so righteous in your ability to..."

(suddenly waking up) "Righteous!"

Kira: "Go back to sleep, Lara."

"I'm totally awake."

Kira: "How much did you hear?"

"Something about righteousness." (goes back to sleep)

Friday, July 6, 2007

Lara on Hidey Holes

*thump* *bang* *thud* "Hehe... dust bunnies."

Lara on the Male Appeal

"It helps if they have a brain...and working thumbs."

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Lara on Recreation

"I wondered why the Frisbee was getting bigger...then it hit me."

Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Lara on Spandex Socks

"I'm Superman!"

Lara on the Big Issues

"Why is Dove chocolate and soap? I mean, I don't want to eat soap, and I don't want to wash myself with chocolate."

Kira: "Who doesn't want to wash themself with chocolate? Weirdo."

Lara on Free Trade Chocolate

"I wonder if Dove is free-range chocolate."

Lara on Carrie Underwood

"What'd she say? Jesus ate the whale?"

Mrs. K: "No, Lara, the whale ate Jonah."

Lara on Saliva


Lara on Altoids

*gag* *coughs Altoid across airport*

Lara on Superheroes

Kira: "Look, an old man in an Oldsmobile."

"Quick! To the Old Cave!"

Lara on Bare Feet

"Ow, my shoes!"

Lara on Help

"Hold on...corn!"

Lara on Fast Food

"D'you have any cheesy chicken nuggets?"

McDonald's Man: "No, I'm afraid we don't have any cheesy chicken nuggets."

"Oh. Do you have the regular kind?"